
Timeline of the Flood and Ages of the Patriarchs

Lifespans and Dates of Death

Generations before the Flood – DATA

Birth year
Years Lived
Death Year
Adam 0 930 930
Seth 130 912 1042
Enosh 235 905 1140
Cainan 325 910 1235
Mahalaleel 395 895 1290
Jared 460 962 1422
Enoch 622 365 987
Methuselah 687 969 1656
Lamech 874 777 1651
Noah 1056 950 2006
Shem 1558 600 2158
Flood 1656 0 1656
Nahor 1849 148 1997
Terah 1878 205 2083
Abram 1948 175 2123
Isaac 2048 180 2228
Jacob 2108 147 2255
Death Year
Adam 930    
Seth 1042    
Enosh 1140    
Cainan 1235    
Mahalaleel 1290    
Jared 1422    
Enoch 987    
Methuselah 1656    
Lamech 1651    
Flood 1656    
Noah 2006    
Shem 2158    
Nahor 1997    
Terah 2083    
Abram 2123    
Isaac 2228    
Jacob 2255    


All the righteous patriarchs died before the flood or were on the Ark. None were killed by the flood.

Chart #1 – TimeLine of the Patriarchs from the Birth of Adam in Year 0

Chart #2 – Death Years and Ages of Patriarchs

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