
Didache Papers: Contemporary Issues Facing the Church


SC’s Didache Papers express certain positions generally shared by the Corner staff and administration and intend to be persuasive toward a consistent and comprehensive Biblical worldview. Within this general acceptance it must be remembered that the particular opinions expressed in each paper reflect the views of its particular author and do not necessarily reflect the views of all SC members.

#101 – Murder & The Prolife Cause:
John Salvi, Paul Hill, and the use of violence to end abortion in the U.S.
by Jefferis Kent Peterson
#102 – The Search For Political Salvation
Failure of the Church in the Modern World
by Jefferis Kent Peterson
#103 – Androgyny in Popular Culture
The break down of gender, identity, and meaning in post-industrial society.
by Jefferis Kent Peterson
#104- Wish-Craft: the Culture of Fantasy and Unbelief
Disney and the Magic Kingdom
by Jefferis Kent Peterson
#105 – When Monsters Murder Children, the New Age has No Answers Worth Hearing
The Case of Samantha Runnion -Kidnapping, Murder, and Child Molestation
by Michael Spencer
#106 – The ACLU Has it All Wrong:
Religious Diversity and the Public Square
by Jefferis Kent Peterson
#107 – George Bush’s Move to the Left:
And How Clinton Shifted the Center of American Politics.
by Jefferis Kent Peterson
#108 Justified by Jesus Christ’s Faith, not by Our Own…
It is the Faith OF Jesus that Justifies us, which we receive as a gift.
by Jefferis Kent Peterson


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