
Jurassic Park 1996

Amber found in the mountains of Lebanon has been confirmed as the oldest
in the world, dating back 125 million years, and insects trapped in it could
lead to new scientific advances.

The amber contains insects, some now extinct, and plants far older than those
found in Baltic amber which dates back 35 million years according to ProfessorGeorges
Tohme, head of Lebanon’s National Council for Scientific Research.

Images of lumbering beasts and extinct vegetation cloned from amber crystal
has taken on new life, no pun intended. The debate among Young Earthists
and Old Earthists (OE) within the Christian
community will surely intensify. The techniques of dating paleo-amber are in
dispute. Creation Research Institute, Gish-Morris-Whitcome-Goetze
connection will no doubt tackle this new finding. Whereas, Hugh
,and old-earth Biblical cosmologist, and associates will hardly lose
any sleep over the ‘ambers of Lebanon.’

Sources:The Commercial Appeal, Memphis, Tuesday, October 8, 1996,

Lively links to discussion among proponents of (YE) and (OE):

Associates for Biblical Research (YE)
and friends of SC

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