
The Story of the Great Caliph

a Parable

There once was a great Caliph who ruled a large kingdom. He controlled caravan routes and oases. This Caliph had two wives and two sons. One by the first wife was the oldest. To him, he gave the entire kingdom, the lands stretching from the Euphrates to the Red Sea, and to the younger one he gave a small palace by the sea, with springs, date trees, vineyards, and camels. The Caliph loved this little son, but to the first-born he gave the right to rule the kingdom.

However, the older son was jealous of his fathers affections, and was angry that he had given the younger son this choice piece of land. It was small by comparison to his vast kingdom, but the elder son did not care. He said in his heart, When my father is dead, I will kill my brother and take that palace as my own. It is mine by right!

Now what do you think the fathers reaction will be if he finds out about the plot of the older son? Is it not the right of the father to give his property as he chooses? Will Allah have favor on the elder boy or will he defend the younger against the older?



The meaning of the parable:

Isaac is the second son and Ishmael the first-born. To Ishmael is given the land from Iran to Egypt, but Abraham gave the land of the Jews to the sons of Isaac. The sons of Ishmael want to take the land that Abraham gave to Isaac and claim it as their own.

Now, is Allah all-powerful? If Allah allowed the Jews to be and to return to the land given them by Abraham, who will the sons of Ishmael be offending if they seek to take the land given by their father Abraham to their brothers? Abraham or Allah?

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